Unleashing Your Potential: Advice for Aspiring Photographers

I once had a guy tell me that I would never make it as a photographer who got to pick and choose their clients and I’d have to just get what I’m given because that’s just the way industry works the joke is on him because many many years later I literally get to pick and choose the clients I work with I’m booked and blessed for the rest of the year and even have photographers who work with me now as well so if you are on your journey as photographer whether you’re new or in the rhythm of already here a couple of pieces of advice that I wish I received at that time and hopefully just like build your confidence on your journey as a photographer first thing is try everything try all styles of photography whether it’s wedding or it is events or boudoir or you know things that light you up things that grab at your interest it’s best of just try like a bunch of different things and see what works best for you the only way you’re gonna figure out your style is by doing so go out do everything trial everything and don’t be afraid to be quick to refine what it is that you really enjoy doing too just because you started in one genre photography does not mean that you have to stick with it the second thing that I would love for you to know things that I wish I could be told at that time is that wedding photography is not the only way that you’re ever gonna make money as photographer I think there are so many different styles of photography that required and we’re in a day and age where like photography is just like literally everything content is everything so there are always gonna be people who need pictures whether it’s for an occasion a business a brand social media there’s always going to be people who need photographs or something third piece of advice that I would have loved to receive such I am giving you now is that the words competition and oversaturation are such a cock block for you and your business honestly think that these words just kinda came to fruition as a way to excuse maybe not putting yourself out there enough or readjusting your style or making changes in your business like it’s a lot easier to be like oh it’s oversaturated and there’s too much competition then it has to be like maybe I need to refine my marketing or maybe I need to improve my technique in editing I know that might be a hard pill to swallow and I have definitely been this photographer in the past two I’m like oh my god there’s just too many photographers blah blah blah but I genuinely believe that work promotes more work so for example I’m in Edinburgh I work in the tourism industry you think oh my god it’s so oversaturated there’s so many photographers there are but there are always people who want photographs in the city collaboration over competition I am all about the more photographers working in the city the better because in the more photographs that are being produced the more people see those photographs and therefore the more people want photographs in the city so don’t let those two words get in the way over saturation and competition don’t let them get in the way of you just absolutely going for it and don’t let them cock block your business if you have any questions about photography whether it’s beginning or you are in a rhythm with it already and you need some advice I’d love to help so feel free to pop any questions you have in the comments below I’m more than happy to answer