The Artistic Journey: Passion, Skill, and Audience Engagement

The first thing is, do you love the style you’re doing? Do you love the pursuit of the work? Do you love, and do you enjoy the process that you’re taking a part of to create this artwork? And if you do, now you look at next, are you good at it? Have you devoted yourself to it? And if you have not, to the point where you’re very good and set apart and exceptionally good compared to other artists, um, then you have to get to that point, and that just takes time. And third, you wanna know that you have interest, the people have interest in what you make. Is there a market? Are you creating a market for the. The consumers or the people or your. Your. Your fans or whatever that looks like, for them to like what they see do. When you show, when you share your artwork with your friends, when you share your art with your family, when you, um, try to enter a competition or something like that, what’s the feedback you’re getting?