Trust over Temptation: Navigating Relationships with a Footballer Boyfriend

do I worry about my footballer boyfriend cheating on me? ⚽️ now that is a question… footballers have a reputation of being cheats the higher the league a footballer plays they tend to get more public attention especially on nights out I met my partner when I was 18 and he just started playing championship so I was so insecure at that age and I didn’t have a lot of confidence at all I would definitely be lying if I said that I didn’t used to dread their team Christmas night out But as I got older I’ve realised that if someone’s going to cheat on you it’s not because of YOU it’s because of them and trust is everything in a relationship so if you don’t have trust then you don’t have anything in my opinion despite the fact that footballers might get a lot of attention it’s their responsibility to let the girls know that they’re not interested and they’re in a relationship You will hear about a footballer being unfaithful more than a builder because it sells and makes money so I don’t worry about things that I can’t control and I just focus on being a good person and a good mum to my two kids life is just way too short to worry 🤍