Adapting to Change: Securing Your Financial Future in the Age of AI

What killed the dinosaurs? Change. What killed the British Empire? Change. What killed Blockbuster Netflix? What killed all those little shops all over the world? Amazon? Change is inevitable. Darwin said it’s not the strongest of the species that survive, it’s the ones that are the most adaptive to change. So here’s my question financially, are you gonna change or are you gonna die? The International Monetary Fund recently published this report and it says 60% of jobs in advanced economies like the U. S. U. K. Europe are gonna be gone in the next six years. Why? Artificial intelligence. These reports show an 8 million jobs apocalypse, the words they’re using in the UK within the next six years. So you can either put your head in the sand like I guess a lot of the dinosaurs did or you can get ready for it because don’t get me wrong, you can’t stop this. The rate of change is actually getting faster and faster and faster. So the only thing you can do is prepare for it. Now what is the one certain way to make sure that they can’t take your job off you? And by the way, do you even like your job? Cause something like 85% of people in the UK various reports suggest hate their job, hate their boss, hate the commute, don’t think they get paid enough and don’t even get me started on politicians and taxes. So how do you make sure they can’t? Take your job off you. My solution is to not have one. I’ve been a property investor now for 42 years and for the last 22 years I’ve been a full time property investor. I not only invest in property, I now have used that wealth created through property to invest in stocks and shares, to invest in precious metals, to invest in bitcoin. And to an extent, I don’t really mind what you invest in. Risk comes from one simple single thing, not knowing what you’re doing. So if you’re gonna prepare for this new future, if you’re gonna prepare for the fact that almost everyone that you know about is gonna be impacted in some way by artificial intelligence, job losses and the rest, what is the best way for you to avoid that future? Well, it’s to prepare. It’s to avoid risk by educating yourself in whatever it is that you choose to do. If you value your future, if you value your children’s future, if you value your family’s future, your loved ones future, I believe all of us have got a duty to prepare for a future where we do not have a job.