Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Drama Unfolds at the Venice Film Festival

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt – They have already been at the Venice Film Festival, but separately. The festival has had to weave 1 plan to avoid a single second match because of the legal battle they have. Let’s go, that Angelina doesn’t even want to show her face with Brad Pitt. As usual, Brad Pitt has come with her boyfriend. I tell you everything, but first follow me to keep up to date with the last hour of the salseo of the Venice Film Festival. Here you see the shocking images of Angelina Jolie, spectacular, overwhelming. This is how it has been and also starred in a very emotional moment when he after the received a standing ovation of more than 8 minutes by play the soprano María Calas en María, She has broken into tears, could not avoid resisting such a standing ovation. On the other hand, we have Brad Pitt who has gone with his girlfriend Inés de Ramón. They no longer hide, are no longer hidden. He has had to wait for Angelina left Venice to arrive and thus show herself publicly with Inés de Ramón. This is how the festival plotted it so that they would not coincide in a single instant. To me 1 thing that always smells bad and it is I read the headlines of the 2nd these days and it always seems to be left as villain to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt from. This situation is amazing. I would like to know your opinion. Follow me for more salseo