Navigating Love Triangles: A Listener’s Dilemma

Today’s secret comes from listener Claudia. Hey guys, never did I think I would actually be writing to you, but I desperately need your help. I’ve been happily engaged to my fiance, let’s call him Brody, for 3 years now. To cut to the chase, Brody and I are madly in love with each other. We also get along with each other’s friends like a house on fire. Since meeting Brody, I’ve gotten to know his best friend, who I will refer to as Doug. Doug has always been around and we’ve formed a really special friendship over time. Doug and I are extremely similar. We act the same, share all the same interests and even have almost identical birth charts. Recently, Doug moved away to another state with his girlfriend of only 2 months, who were already off to a rocky start before they left. 2 months in, Doug is not happy. He’s been messaging me every day about the situation and that he feels like he needs to break up with his girlfriend but isn’t sure how. Anyways, this is where things get icky. It was a Saturday night and Doug was messaging me asking for relationship advice. He was so sick of arguing with his girlfriend that he booked a last minute one way ticket to see his family without even telling her. On this particular night, Doug had also been drinking quite a bit. He’s always been known as the type of drinker who will start Crying over how much he loves his friends and family after a few too many. That’s me. Yeah, I do that. And it seems like this was one of those nights. We were probably chatting for three hours on and off until I dropped Brody off at a concert with his friends that night. After Brody had left, he started to say things like, I want to say something but I won’t. Oh, I knew it. Fuck. I was truly, truly hoping that they were like best friends. And that was it. And that was it. Fuck. Out of nowhere, Doug sent me a message on Instagram. It was an extremely detailed message of Doug confessing his love for me and essentially pointing out that he and I want the same things in life. He told me that he will always want me and that this is why he purposefully sabotages his relationships. Whoa. And told me that he will always be waiting for me if I ever consider leaving Brody. That’s so intense. That’s so intense. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn’t know how to respond. And after a while, I just replied with the simple ha ha. You’re hilarious. That would be wild because I just, ha ha. Oh, dear, you love deflecting. Ha ha. That’s amazing. Lol. Anyway, anyway, ha ha. I didn’t say anything more to Brody about it and truly thought that by the morning when Doug was sober, everything would be just Fine and that it was just the alcohol talking or some kind of joke. But when I got up in the morning at 6:00am, I already had another Instagram message from Doug. Doug confirmed he wasn’t joking and that he was sorry. He said he feels awful for not only putting this on me but for feeling like a terrible friend to Brody. He begged me to keep it to myself and to just forget about everything he said. My question to you guys is what the hell do I do with this information? Help Claudia.