Ancient Chinese Makeup Replicas: Unboxing and Review

This is a replica ancient. Look at how stunning that packaging is. Friend Valentina sent me all of these to try. And she even included details on each product to the powder based on a product from the king dynasty, he said they would call this duck egg powder, literally just because it’s shaped like a duck egg. Eugene is so pretty inside board got it. Smell kind of smells like peaches. It smells so good to perfume like this powder. Oh my God, getting everywhere, blur and make the skin okay. This one is for the eyebrows. I am amazed at the quality of these replicas. How beautiful, how strange. That’s for the eyebrows. It almost looks like. Wow, she said the woman in the palace would use this to draw their eyebrows on. So I guess this was really for royalty. Now there are many different styles of eyebrows throughout ancient China and the different dynasties. I highly recommend you follow Mochi Hanfu. She does actual ancient Chinese makeup and she’s amazing. I’m just gonna try to draw them the way I usually do. This will definitely work better if you have eyebrow hair, cuz it’s very waxy.

I think I’m gonna have to play with this one. I did do a little modern concealer around it, but this, I love the way my brows turned out. I’m gonna play with this more.

This product was used that is so pretty inside. There are many different styles of blush techniques in ancient China as well. I’m just going to applied some my app. That is such a. Can’t find the note for the. Maybe it was like a which I already put powder on. So I kind of messed up on that one. I’ve tried ancient Chinese lipstick paper, but I’ve never seen any this texture. It’s almost like piece of campaign with water or frugator and you’re left with the most beautiful staying under. This product was based on cuz the color inside looks like a very. Now I believe you could use this as huadian, which mochi shows all the time. I’m just gonna try this on. My texture is so interesting. It’s almost best to just dab on the lips. But color, okay. I added a little of this on the cheek to tie in with color of the lip. Absolutely. Cherish these. Thank you so much to Valentina and you guys. She’s an incredible makeup artist. So check her out.