Delving into the World of Dark Romance: Unpacking Taboos, Discomfort, and Critique

after seeing the reaction to like the Jolie Reads thing can I just say as someone who like reads and enjoys dark romance I need dark romance fans to stop acting like dark romance isn’t inherently strange because that’s kind of the point it’s kind of dark romance’s point to be strange and and unsettling and off putting to a certain degree they are self labelled and advertised as being taboo for a reason they go outside of the norm they explore really vioIent, unusual, darker k¡nks really dark toxic relationships on purpose for entertainment value there is a range of intensity and level of taboo nature attached to every dark romance that is the whole point that is that is the big selling point of the entire genre as a whole if no one thought anything was out of the ordinary or unsettling or unusual it wouldn’t be taboo anymore it wouldn’t be considered “dark” it requires acknowledging a level of weirdness and uncomfortability in order for it to exist as it is so no I don’t think it’s reasonable to get angry with people who express that they’re put off by these things when it comes to Jolie Reads- and this is what I’m talking about this is like one of my main things that I was referencing in my other video where I was talking about how like you cannot you can’t make sh— up in order to make a point Jolie Reads is a really big creator I we don’t read the same things so this was my first time ever seeing any of her content was like regarding this controversy within the dark romance community she saw the synopsis of a book with it like Little Stranger (?) The Stranger (??) The Little- the- whatever something about like a guy who is obsessed with his foster sister and something apparently on the Goodreads description it just says “sister” and in the video like she didn’t even say much she made a video where she was like “hey what are we doing 😀? what is this?? what are we doing?” and that was it that was the entire video that was like the entire video and she got completely torn to shreds about “bullying” ???? and this other creator made a whole video response to her being like “I don’t think you understand how disrespectful it is for you to be asking people if they’re okay or if they’re good whenever they say that they enjoy dark romance” and I agree I do think it’s rude to be asking people if they’re mentally okay for enjoying like a genre or something but that’s not what Jolie Reads did…that she just said “what are we doing” and “what is this” she never once like said anything directly to people who enjoy the book or enjoy the genre in general but people were tearing her to shreds and people tear other creators to shreds all the time for expressing like discomfort, disgust, anything any sort of shock reaction to the plot synopsis or to the plot as a whole because they read one of these books and it’s like it’s an uncomfortable genre if people are attacking you and trying to make like make jabs at your mental state or whatever for enjoying a genre that’s a whole other thing but I think one of the greatest downfalls to like the dark romance community is a few things number one: not being able to handle anyone being uncomfortable despite that being the draw for it but also for it to be extremely common- not saying it’s 100% of readers🤚‼️ not saying it’s 100% of you🤚‼️ not saying it’s all of you🤚‼️ but for it to be very common to be extremely averse to being asked to self reflect and think critically on where the enjoyment is coming from because also all too often in the community when someone tries to point out really offensive or or harmful content it’s sort of like disregarded as it is like more commonly like in the horror community as well as being a protected element, as being above critique of any kind with the author- what’s her face Cassie Reffel using real world mvrderer Wade Wilson the man who brutally mvrdered Diane Ruiz and Kristine Melton she used him as inspiration and promotional material for an upcoming taboo dark romance and refuses to take accountability as to why this is a problem she privated her (TikTok) account so she could stop seeing the notifications of the backlash she does not think she did anything wrong no book is going to be for everyone there is always gonna be someone who dislikes a book literally at all times but this especially goes for books that lean very heavily into being uncomfortable into making itself uncomfortable to experience to a certain degree where shock is a motivator for the creation of the story shock value and discomfort however don’t make it exempt from critique either like I think all in all my biggest issue with the dark romance community as at large that I have had an issue with for years is that way too many dark romance readers view themselves as like a marginalized community by being dark romance readers you are not an oppressed class for reading M afia romances and I really I I desperately need everyone to get a grip