Transforming My Life Through Fitness and Healthy Choices: A Reflection on Joining a Boot Camp Program

Good morning, friends. Amigo, see Amigas. Happy Tuesday. I hope you’re all doing well. I’m doing okay. I just wanted to talk about something that I was reflecting on as I sit here and finish my breakfast and my water. I am on my third week of this six week fitness program that I started with my husband and my cousin. And as I’m sitting here reflecting, I gotta say I feel good. I feel better about myself. I feel more energized. I feel more mentally where I can handle more, or should I say handle things better. So not only am I exercising more and doing this boot camp style exercises, but I’m also eating better because they showed us how to track what we eat. And within the first week and week or two, we started to see how we were eating as we were tracking it.

Like, wow, we eat a lot of rice, we eat a lot of bread, and that all adds up. And then another thing I notice now that we’re not eating rice as much as we were before. I’ve noticed that even eating a small portion of rice, after I eat it, I feel heavy. I feel, but, you know, and so eating right plays a big part as well.

And what I sitting here thinking, like, I’m not only doing this for myself, I’m doing this for my kids. I want them to see that sometimes you gotta go through an outside source for help. Sometimes being in a group setting can help. I’m doing this as a group and we pump each other up and we tell each other, keep going and you got this and you’re doing so well. And that helps. That motivation helps. And I want my kids to see that even when it’s hard, you push through it and you’ll see results in the end.

Cuz this sure is not easy having to change up the way that we eat, going through these Bookcamp style exercises that some of them are just like, I can’t do this. But they motivate you, they encourage you and they, you know, they help you. They might give us some, a moderated exercise and we’ll do that. But you know, they keep us moving and they keep us fighting through it. And that’s what I want my kids to see, that it’s, it’s okay to get help. It’s okay to work hard and it’s okay to push yourself. It’s okay to be surrounded by other like minded people that are going to push you because in the end you’re gonna see the results. And even though you may not see it today or tomorrow, they’re coming, but you just need to push through. And I want my kids to see that. I want you to see that life is not always gonna be easy, but work on yourself, work on you, work on pushing yourself, maybe finding the right group, maybe finding the right motivation.

But I’m just so glad that I found mine and I’m so glad that I’m doing this and I’m so grateful for my cousin for pushing me to do this with her and that I got my husband to do it as well because we notice a difference and we feel the change. And I just want everybody else around me to be happy and to feel it as well. And my kids some. That’s what I’ve been sitting here just thinking about. So here’s to my third week of the fitness boot camp and to help making healthy choices. As it does.