Lessons Learned in 15 Years on the Internet: From Music, Mustaches, and Misconceptions

here are some things we’ve Learned from 15 years on the internet from our viewers number one we have come across as Amish and Mormon if you talk or sing the most or talk or sing the least you will get the most comments that me and Christina are bullies to our dear sisters apparently Lisa’s not somehow I am the bullied that it’s um deeply offensive if you remove the curse words from your covers haha if you sing too many relationships in a in a haha if you released if you write too many relationship songs in a row or too many inspirational songs in a row people get mad at you for singing about the same thing too much so we just kind of ignore that now and follow our hearts if you had a mustache and didn’t know about it don’t worry someone will let you know if you try to be empowering and tell people they can do something they get really mad like no I can’t okay um we Learned our color seasons and that those two are not actually autumns We’re winters I thought I was a winter but I was wrong I’m a bright winter I thought I was a spring I always thought I could wear every color and I feel close to that but now there’s a couple that I know I already knew I couldn’t that’s so many people have gotten our lyrics to our songs in our handwriting tattooed on them and we all have really bad handwriting for the most part I’m so sorry everyone it’s my handwriting and I’m sorry it literally looks like a 10 year old boy wrote it every time and even when I try really hard and I write it like five times it’s bad I’m sorry I appreciate the meaning of the tattoo but I’m sorry