The Myth of Modesty: Exploring the Realities of Violence Against Women

as a woman should you be able to walk out with your figure showing all that stuff and be safe yes but does that mean you will be safe no I’m not saying that for you I’m saying that for the men cause I don’t want you to attract that certain of type of man cause how many times you see oh she was dressed that way of course she wanted it for certain way the biggest comments I get is like oh why don’t you talk to the man why don’t you go to men accountable I do right but in the day I have no control over another man’s actions you can’t bro you should have no control of another man’s actions what you can do to protect yourself and even then right okay cool so you go outside and you you you you dress modestly there’s still a possibility you can get attacked but that’s not in your control at least you control what you could I feel like y’all do to this conversation with anti abortion people do people against abortion will basically paint this picture that the only people getting abortions are young women that are reckless that are living free they get abortions every month like there’s this imagery painted of who they think mainly goes to get abortions I feel like y’all paint this image that the women that are getting sexually harassed and catcalled and assaulted the most are those who show their figure who don’t dress modestly and that couldn’t be further from the truth y’all leave out a lot with these men do to babies with these men do to elderly people these men do to animals what they do to dead bodies to be that sick in the head to assault somebody to harass somebody to think that you’re owed their body do you really think it matters what we wear Outside of clothing they’re gonna find a way to justify why they did what they wanted to do to the men that don’t do things like that when y’all see a woman that isn’t dressing modestly do you get tempted when you see some thigh do you get tempted when you see some shoulder do you get tempted no because clothing is not gonna entice somebody to do what they already didn’t wanna do he said himself you know men are gonna do what they wanna do we can’t control them right we can’t control them but they are the ones who are doing the harming so telling the group of harmed people what we should or should not do to listen the harm doesn’t make sense because no matter what we do they’re going to do what they wanna do then when he said you know even if she does dress modestly and something still happens at least you controlled what you could but that wasn’t her ever having any control dressing modestly in the hopes that you don’t get assaulted should show that there is no control having to change how we live how we move how we dress having to alter things about our lives to not get assaulted is a very very clear sign that we have no control because we’re moving to the beat of their drum and that shit still doesn’t work dressing modestly is not taking control because in areas where women are predominantly modest they still experience the same stuff we do I know its one of those situations where know you can’t talk a man out of being a predator but what y’all should stop doing is telling us that it means of protecting ourselves is changing the clothes that we wear because it really does not matter and something else that needs to be included in this conversation is that every girl or woman that was assaulted violated was not always by this scary boogeyman that was hiding in the alley this can happen in the home so many girls and women have been assaulted by men that they thought were safe people men that were supposed to be safe people for them the violation could be coming from a woman’s husband her father her uncle her cousin a family friend so don’t just limit this conversation to what women should or should not wear knowing the situations in which we get violated in