Frozen – Day 2 of Horror Movie Recommendations

Welcome to Day 2 of recommending a horror movie every single day up until Halloween. And today’s recommendation is called frozen. I’m going to give you a light synopsis on this movie, just some things that I liked about it without getting into spoiler territory, and where you can watch this. The movie is about these three people who go to a ski resort to, you know, hit some slopes. So the boys are best friends, and one of them decides to bring along his girlfriend. And it’s kind of like, who’s third Wheeling in this situation? The group have spent all day at the ski slopes, and they decide that they want to go down one of the largest slopes for the last time before the whole place closes. However, the trio get stuck on a chairlift in the pitch black, and the staff at the ski resort don’t even realise they are there. One more thing, they realise that the ski resort is closing for several days, so they are just gonna be stuck there. How are they gonna get down? One thing this movie succeeds in is that even though we aren’t moving around for most of the movie, we are stuck in a chairlift. It’s still a really fun watch. Can you imagine yourself being in the situation? What would you do? You can check out the movie and see what happens to these guys on Amazon Prime. Trust me, if you haven’t already seen this, One. I’m sure that you will like it