Treasure Hunting at Dollar Tree: Beauty Dupes and Bargains

Did I find the shit I was looking for at Dollar Tree? Let’s see. I made a whole video of me shopping at the Dollar Tree and then showed you everything. But it was a really long video and I know some of you don’t have that attention span. So let me show you what I got and maybe you guys can help me in the comments of what they are like sisters for, because I can’t remember. But I did find some stuff, but nowhere near the stuff that I wanted to. But I did find that the key to finding shit that you want to find at Dollar Tree is to go to one in a bad neighborhood. So like, some homeless man came up on me here. So anyway, this is what I found. This is the Global Beauty Care Smooth and Lift Collagen Skin Cream. Supposedly their global beauty is supposed to be really good. And then they have the Global Beauty Glowing Vitamin C Facial Cleanser. I think this might be a sister for Glow Recipe, but I’m not 100% sure. Then I saw the Dermasil Labs Exfoliating Face Scrub. I really need an exfoliating face scrub cause I do have that milia on my face that I’d like to get rid of. And then I know for sure this is a dupe of the oil of olay that they sell at Ulta. Like the higher end one and it’s like $12 each. And these Were only $1 25. So I got the Revitalizing Cream Cleanser, the hydrating moisturizing micro sculpting cream, and then the hydrating night cream. So I did get this whole little set that apparently is kind of expensive at Ulta. So I did get that here at Dollar Tree, and, um, I did. I don’t know what this is a sister for again. This is the global beauty care. Supposed to be somebody’s sister I care. Um, it’s eye cream with collagen and peptides. I was sold at the collagen and peptides. Uh, then somebody that I was looking at said that these are like a name brand pair of socks that are incredibly good. They’re no shows. You get two pair for $1 25. So I bought me one. I bought my husband one. We’ll see. She says they’re really, really good. And then I got some retinol cream. Did I tell you that this is, again, global beauty retinol cream? I pay a $400 for retinol cream from where I get my stuff from. And, um, I think that’s all the dupes that I was able to find. Um, I was not able to find the stuff that I really wanted, which was like, the bubble dupe. Um, and then, um, sold Asian Arrow, so it was not able to find those two. But he did have a little bit more success in the bad neighborhood on Dollar Tree than I did in our bougie neighborhood Dollar Tree. So Maybe that’s the key, I don’t know. But drop it in the comments cause I completely fucked up and I don’t know what the. Um. I had so much on my mind and so many thoughts and. Damn it, I forgot to buy a spray bottle again. Anyway, drop in the comments of what? These are the sisters for