The Cinematic Tastes of US Presidents: A Revealing Look at their Favorite Movies

There is a US president whose favorite movie was Home Alone. The first 27 presidents never even got to watch a feature film. Woodrow Wilson was the first one, and he was quickly drawn to The Birth of a nation, a three hour epic about the founding of the KKK. Since him, five presidents favorite movie has been a western. Two liked a musical, but most preferred some kind of historical drama. I think each of their choices is a little revealing. The only non American film on the list comes from JFK, who was a fan of James Bond. And the only movie with any kind of fantasy element comes from George W’s favorite, field of dreams. But I think it’s really funny that Gerald Ford, who’s the only guy who ever got the job without being voted in as president, for vice president, his favorite was Home Alone, the story of a kid randomly finding himself in charge of a house. I’m eating junk and watching rubbish. You better come out and stop me!