The Master Architect of the Field: Sunday’s Spectacular Return

Sunday and the goal architect reappears on the field, with numb calves, but with the talent intact to build, from the good touch, the game. And we started by competing hand to hand, moving behind our backs to get a kick out of it Zlatan-style acrobatic which almost ends on the first of the night. But this is just beginning, and with patience and experience, locating ourselves on the court and moving behind our backs. Let her go, daddy, I’ll take care of the rest. Amague, feint with the right. And have brother, become famous. First-time, I fell first on the board. We started the evening show with an attendance and then paints without touching the ball overflows, we go down the flank to get a right-footed cross. to leave without possibility to the goalkeeper. And so the second one falls, courtesy of the goal architect. Draw, master, invent, give the ball to Arqui, just look at the ball he was putting between the lines, Look, that’s all. Ah, Diego, in one of those you put the ones I got. Ah, yes, and look at the tunnel, courtesy of the architect that this memory brings back to all striped people, that tunnel of maxims in that final, that no Americanist wants to remember. But hey, we returned to the game because we kept competing, we kept putting in what needs to be put in place, although with the scoreboard in favor. It was time to start orchestrating, to distribute, to hand out autographs. Also. Greetings. How are you? How are you? How are you doing? Good afternoon, yes, we were giving Chair, We came out inspired and when we didn’t get something, we put it on. What to put, claw, heart. Well, what a lot of teams are missing to put up, because in soccer, as in life, things may or may not work out for you, but the effort, the effort is non-negotiable. And since they were already reading all my movements here, I started playing fake 9, to jump in so the one below could get in, opening the gap in the middle, Too much dessert, receiving at the back to face, and halfway through, back to Luis García, define strong because placed was not going here, ha. The truth is that it was eaten by the doorman. And since I was already bringing out the creative side, just look at this assist between 4 and in taquito, to leave alone, enabled to striker. Ole, master, oh, I drew you, inventor, architect. All reflectors, the cameras and the applause went to the man wearing 29 on his bib, the different, the creative, he who plays and makes play. The truth. I already exaggerated, I already exaggerated, already. Even I literally fell. Come on, I’ll go with you, let’s all, all go to war. Tell me no, I’m going to run alone. Güey. Last brushstroke to try to orchestrate the last of the night that ended up outside the arch. Oh, they live in a country. Come on, Chuyito, thus closes his return to the courts. The different one, the one who contributed 4 goals and two assists, the Different the architect of the goal