The Dollar Tree Planner Obsession: A Comedy of Quarters

Listen to me. I’m obsessed with the Dollar Tree, okay? I will only purchase my planners from the Dollar Tree, okay? But they sell out quickly. I just called the Dollar Tree. I said, you got planners? She goes, we do. I busted my kneecaps to get there. They had all the planners, right? Unbeknownst to me. Lucky day much? Two years, 2,025, 2,026. Hello. Set for life. But here’s the kicker. A dollar 50. What do we. When did this quarter come in, people? So I says to myself, if I bought two of them, 2,025, 2,026, it would have been two 50. So I paid a dollar 50. So, whatever, that saves me. So I’m still ahead. But I don’t know when they started to do that quarter. Dollar Tree, you didn’t tell us things were a dollar fifty. This made. This is what I love things like this. This is biblical quotes, people. All right? This made my whole day, all right? I feel very complete. I feel very organized. I love a planner. Live by a planner. Everything about it. I’m done with myself. Dollar Tree, you should have let me know you went up another quarter. All right? I don’t know what game you’re playing, but whatever. We’ll get past it. I’m done with it.