The Power of Redemption: From Violence to Acting

My criminal background? Just violence, really. I’ve always been a fighter. My instinct is to get right in the middle of it, but that don’t really serve you forever. Are you married? Not yet, no. You got a girlfriend? Yeah. Oh, this is how I’ll link you up with my mom. If not sis. She’s beautiful, my mom. Right. She’s a bit fiery, like, she’s. She’s done a few sentences for stabbings and that. You know what I mean? Only joking. She did do time for knives, though, mate, growing up, crime was always a way of life. Violence was the top communicator. I do empathize with a lot of these people that are in positions that they can’t get out of, following their family’s footsteps. If I didn’t do acting, I would be in prison. A E I O U! A E I O U! A E I O U! Do some math stretches. Make noise, any noise you want. Sid has been granted permission by the prison governor to teach a drama workshop to the inmates. I think the last time I did acting classes was, you know, back in the 80s when I was a kid. But the Butter Betty Bull was bitter. But the Butter Betty Bull was bitter. The acting classes saved me. Otherwise I could have been in here in prison. You know, I’m gonna try and, you know, just share a little bit what I Learned. I come from a broken home. Just Like a lot of you. But then went to a drama group in the area where I grew up and then really enjoyed it. If I didn’t do acting, I would be in prison. All that anger and hurt I had as a kid, I could get up in. In a. In a class and scream and shout. Let all the steam off. And after, you’d feel a lot better. So who wants to go first? Do you wanna go first? Yes. Let’s do it. Okay, Liam, you can play however way you like. Action. Me. Enter fraud. Really using people. And why do you need to see that? Okay. I would like to have had it a little bit more controlled. Yeah. It makes it feel natural to you how you would say it. Do that. Prisoners on creative schemes are less likely to re offend when released. Two inmates. Yeah. If I’m just being locked in the cell for 24 hours a day, with nothing but the thoughts of everyone that I’ve damaged, everyone that I’ve hurt, then I just fall into more of a spiral. In prison, we’re here to rehabilitate. You can go out your comfort zone. You can do what you want with it. Yeah. I need to be inspired to wanna help myself. Prisoner said what people would refer to as the worst in society. But they still got dreams. They’ve all still got hopes. Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us. Again