Unraveling the Check Fraud Money Glitch: A Wild Tale of ATM Shenanigans

they thought check fraud was a glitch what they thought it was a money glitch what is that what are you talking about these dudes they thought I was reading so much about it all these guys right who have chase bank accounts I’m assuming this is the internet yeah this is the internet okay okay so all these dudes who have chase bank accounts you know Chase Bank yes bank yes big bank so they go to the ATM these dudes and somebody told them yo you can just take a check write it to yourself deposit at the ATM and the ATM doesn’t know that check doesn’t have money and it gives makes the money available wait are you being real right now I’m being for real and somebody called it a glitch like in a video game no that’s not what it’s like no no no that’s that’s check fraud yeah that’s that is check fraud and kiting and so many other things yo that’s crazy because I’m assuming these are younger people I don’t it’s all over the ages seem to be all over the place because older people know about check fraud cause they they do and they don’t but it’s been a long time so you should go to the the no but you have checks taped up for people that wrote bad checks no but this is so much funnier why because the access the funds you need to do it to your own account oh shut up so these motherfuckers walked up with their debit cards is it cameras that is tied to their name social security home address phone number oh no the fucking same debit card they used to pay their fucking electric Bill oh no they dipped it in the ATM right cause it’s chip mhm it held it the camera turned on the camera looked at him dead in the face as they planted a check in for $10,000 that’s written on an account that they don’t fucking have no they were doing it for like thousands of dollars I really thought you were talking about like 100 dollar check no no no no no why are they doing them so big they’re doing good this is fucking insane so now chase bank has locked all their accounts and now these dudes are posting freaking out wait what are they doing with that much money okay well some of them were just taking the money and having a good time yeah some of them were then using the money to take out payday loans so some people they were like they were trying to stack bread on bread yes or by using stolen funds from a bank yes they’re trying to get their bread up so they’re stacking bread on bread on bread thinking that the stack will get so high but now with the tower of Babel it’s come crashing down and they’re just crying on the internet that’s incredible enjoy your Labor Day weekend y’all bet last barbecue you’re gonna see for a long time