Delicious Deals: Deciding Between 2 Pound and 4 Pound Boxes of Goodies!

here’s some of the 2 pound boxes but I wanna talk about the 4 pounders here’s one of the 4 pound piles I have so many this year I know some people are deciding whether to order 2 pound or 4 pound I have some more of the two pound but I have significantly more of the 4 pounders so just something keep in mind I have had a lot of people who have been buying since the beginning they switched over to 4 pounders from two pounders that was part of why I made so many more but now I’m a little concerned I have too many anyways I guess if they don’t sell out I have to order more 2 pound boxes and just divide them up but there are a lot of 4 pounders they’re great for sharing originally people used to buy the boxes just as gifts more than anything and uh the £4 are great if you want some for yourself and to share with your friends ha ha ha highly recommend