The Mystique of the Sony Angel: A Motivational and Exclusive Accessory

What, what is what, what’s the, the, the baby they’re hanging on the laptop thingy. I saw people in MRT have that on their phone. I was like, what? Why you have that? A Sony angel? See his butt? Oh, okay. Yeah. It’s like the gap. The gap. It’s like just gives me motivation everyday, you know, like every time I, good morning, then I see it, I’m motivated to start my day. Cause like you have this thing look at you every time. Okay. Okay. Important experience. You go and find all these Sony angels. You cannot find. It’s always sold out. Yeah, that’s why that’s another good, like another appealing. Yeah. This is like special can buy it, right? And it’s like, you just feel special. You’re extra. Yeah. Yeah.