Get in Motion, Lollies: A Sweet Tale of Motivation and Tattoos

And four, we got lollipops going on here. We got lollies. Putting lollies in motion here. Okay. Get in motion, lollies. Okay. Yeah. And I think that should be. It’s not easy. I. I was. You don’t think I was looking at it, it’s. I think it’s, like, hard. I’m gonna just put. I’m. I’m gonna be like, get in motion, lollies. Okay. I’m just gonna bring my heat with my lollies, man. Go. Let’s go, lollies. Let’s go, lollies. Just move. Okay. I’m. Getting two lollies in motion isn’t tough. I mean, what I say is, is. Is once you get one lolly emotion, you might as well get the other two. That’s what I would say. Oh, it’s actually my favorite saying. What is it? What’s the saying? Once you get one lolly emotion, go, lollies. I might as well get the other two. That. It’s a, like, it has a ring to it. I know. Once you get one lolly emotion, you might as well get the other two. It’s deep. It’s deep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, dad told me that when we were younger. He said, once you get one lolly emotion, you might as well get the other. That’s what he said. And I remember that, too. I got that tattooed on me. You do? Yeah. Where? Uh, my ass. Haha.