The Wilderness Chase: Duckyo and Grandpa Warden’s Epic Escape

Duckyo and Grandpa Warden were out just exploring the wilderness when a few territorial enemies who were hungry for loot spotted us. It doesn’t happen too often, but today the infamous duo has become the hunted. It looks like one of the enemies also had a snowboard and was prepared for the chase. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, you must never panic when you find yourself in these types of situations. Well, that’s if you’re carrying a snowboard, which I always preach to have. As you can see, these enemies were quite persistent and really wanted to send duckyo and Grandpa Warden back to the lobby. All I can say now is that you’ll occasionally have to retreat at times and live to fight another day. Luckily, we made it out of there in one piece. We can now reassess the situation and be aggressive when we have an advantage over our enemies.