Afraid: An AI Horror Film Review – Unsettling Yet Unfocused

So I checked out the brand new AI horror film, which from the get go didn’t impress me. But now that I’ve seen it, I have some thoughts. It’s called AI. Oh, wait, no. Afraid. It’s about this family who is selected to test a new revolutionary device. An AI system called Aya. And Aya would begin to learn everyone’s behavior to anticipate their needs. And it would soon make sure that nothing and no one gets in the way of the family. This was pretty horrific, if I do say so myself. Blumhouse really wanted to try and emulate what they did with Megan, which in itself was already a pretty horrendous film. But they decided to produce another AI propaganda movie, exploring the very negative side of AI while also simultaneously feeling like the movie was written by AI. I will say it did get two pretty good jump scares out of me, but other than that, there is no consistency with this. It has no idea what it wants to be. I feel like there was a really good horror movie idea here, but this was not it.