Eye-opening revelations at the eye appointment: The quest for 20/20 vision

if I want to see that day I’ll just put them on and then if I don’t I’ll just ride it out yeah I mean yeah I’m I’m like five minutes late but I’m here for an eye appointment at 10:45 I look like a movie character I forgot to bring my original glasses but okay I’m sure that’s fine right yeah yeah because I think my eyesight is trash okay yeah like it’s not fire right now okay without the glasses or with them still um um maybe both cause I don’t think my current glasses are like that good how long have you had them for um like years I tried on a pair of glasses and I look like Velma hahaha how’s the eyesight I said it’s good you 20 20 wait am I really yep wait really yep this is not a joke no oh my god no way wait so I don’t need glasses 2020 with the glasses oh so the glasses definitely so I do need them yeah okay so my vision isn’t 2020 without the glasses no oh okay they were telling me they had perfect vision I was gonna be like oh my god like that’s insane no you see you see well with the glasses but you definitely need them to get to the 20 20 oh I did it I’m getting new pairs of glasses