Vintage Vibes: Dressing Up My Dog in Human Clothes for the First of the Month

Day 245 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year. So my camera for today, huh? Okay. Was my iPhone. Now today is October 1st, and as the first of the month, you know, people post things on the story with that song that goes, it’s the first of the month. I don’t know what that song is. I always use the original by Bone Thugs and harmony. And pretty much every month, I post on my Instagram story usually a random picture from my camera roll. Something goofy. Most of the time it’s a silly picture of my dog. So for today being the first of the month, why don’t I make the hard photo the photo of my dog that I’m then gonna repost to it’s the first of the month by Bone Thugs and harmony? Well, there was that trend a while ago where people would dress up their dogs in human clothes, and I never did that for my dog cause he’s tiny and it wouldn’t really fit well on him. But if anything, that would kind of make it more funny in my opinion. I don’t know, I just took some of my clothes that I like wearing and I put my dog on a chair, try to fit the clothes around him. It did not fit it properly at all. He looks like an old man now. I do have two phones, you might have noticed, and I took photos on Both phones to see which one took the best photo. I picked my favorite one, threw it into light room, and because he kind of looked like an old man, I decided to give it, like, a vintage feel, of course, using masks to make it easier to see him and to bring his face a little more out of the shadows. And with that, this is my hard photo for the day. Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below, and I will see you all tomorrow.