Adventures in Customer Service: Navigating Manual Credit Reviews and Technical Glitches at AT&T

I helped a customer yesterday who came in at 6:30 and wanted a new line new account on AT&T because he wanted to get an iPhone 15 Pro I set up his new account or started to until I got hit with a manual credit review which I kind of expected because this guy was just turning 20 he was pretty young but had really good credit and when it’s your first account usually you’ll get hit with a manual credit review so I called the number that it displayed on the screen to call to pass it and I got a hold of this lady who asked for a bunch of information and after I gave it to her she said she needed to escalate it to give it to somebody else so she transferred me to a different department where this guy asked me the same information and after providing it to him he said location information and I was confused cause I’ve never been asked for that term before so I said yeah what kind of information do you need and he said location information I can’t be much more specific than that I said well I have a store number and store name and I told him both BB and then the store number and he goes no location information if you can’t provide it then I’m gonna have to hang up and I said what information do you need there’s no location information on the screen I have dealer code serial number token code credit application ID and that’s it there’s no location information and he just started going at it with me back and forth until eventually I just hung up on him and I was kind of like just I just paused for a moment because why did he do that I’ve never had that happen so I called back and it was the same lady initially I told her what happened and she’s like oh I’m sorry I’ll push you through again but before she did I said well what is this location information that he needed and she goes oh it’s just your store name and number I said that’s what I gave him and he didn’t take it and she apologized and said hopefully you don’t get him again and transferred me again and I got a different guy thank goodness and he was able to push it through after like 15-20 minutes had to talk to the customer and so I refreshed on my computer and the manual credit review was passed yay yippee so I start processing his phone do the one he wants and when I go to order it it crashes my whole computer crashes I’m like great so I log back in and it didn’t save anything so I start over again and I’m like well maybe it already passed the credit review maybe we don’t have to do that again nope credit review right away so it was like 7:30 at this point or no it was like 7:45 at this point and we closed at 8 but I wanted to get this guy’s phone done cause he had been in here for so long so I called the number again and it was a different woman she passed me off to another number higher up yet again except this time it went to an automated system and said thank you for calling AT&T we are closed me and the customer just kinda laughed about it and I made him an appointment for tomorrow so I’ll see him tomorrow my oh my