Studio Makeover and Spring Collection Sneak Peek Update

Hi everybody. I’m back. I’ve been Mia. I’ve been on holidays again. My bank account hates me. But I’m back in the studio. I rearranged it yesterday. So I don’t know. I used to have like this one backed up against this wall and then I’m slotted out, but I’ve lined them up all against the wall and it just has left so much more space. I don’t know why I didn’t do it earlier. I also have some exciting sneak peek of a little spring collection that I’m doing. Look at this prints. Um, my friend Kevin made the print. This is a little boob tube and then there are matching capris. This is like a super mini little collection. TikTok saw it first. I’m not posting this on Instagram, but these capris and then there’s like a little matching, um, head scarf slash. So like you can wear it as a headband or like as an actual like scarf just draped around your neck. I’m so obsessed. Um, but these are my updates. Hopefully these stuff is done in the next couple of weeks and I’ll do a little photoshoot. But I’m back to work. Yes, I’ve been on holiday again. Love y’all.