Automating Social Media Posts: Turning Blog Posts into Engaging Content with AI

you here creating social media post for your business well you don’t need to do it anymore this AI automation takes blog post and automatically turns them into social media post I’m gonna show you how this works in the next 30 seconds and at the end I’ll even give you the template for free this all starts when a new blog post is up coded to our website it is then going to trigger this automation this automation is going to take the broadcast and pass it to Chat GPT Chat GPT is then instructed to act as a social media manager responsible for creating social media posts is tasked to write SEO friendly tweets LinkedIn post and Facebook post from here we’re then going to use a text parcel and we’re going to use a router to then post on the relevant social platforms so we’re going to post on Twitter we’re going to post on Facebook and we’re going to post on LinkedIn as well now we’re going to use Chat GBT to then create an image to go with the text post on LinkedIn and we do that with this module here from here we then upload to LinkedIn if you want to get this template for free then comment the word template below and if you’re not already hit the follow button to learn more about AI and automation