Evolution of Creative Storytelling in Streetwear: From First Designs to Current Capsule

this is kind of where everything started from this is where I started kind of exploring that initial creative feeling of like what would it be like if I started to design some of the ideas that I have in my head moving to the first shirt that I designed for the capsule started playing more with kind of the idea of like really representing a theme and a storyline in the designs that I was making what was cool about making our first collection is that this is the first time as a designer I was challenged to make like a storyline of a bunch of different pieces that still fit together so it’s cool to experiment with like different themes and different artistic representations of the same type of storyline which was invite danger and everything in between till death and this is the final shirt of that collection I was inspired by an Alexander McQueen graphic that I saw when I was walking through a museum in New York and just decided to make this kind of the representation of both your commitment to yourself but also working within the theme that I initially started with which was invite danger and everything in between till death now kind of moving into our current capsule I have grown as a designer and just trusting my gut in terms of all the different elements that I may wanna put together to create a storyline but it’s also cool because I feel like our customers and anyone that’s purchased or bought from our clothing has now also evolved in the type of streetwear that they’re comfortable wearing a huge piece of what I wanted to accomplish as a brand is making streetwear accessible to those that may not have worn streetwear before so it was nice to start off with simple designs and kind of grow with each successive capsule of the brand