The Unpredictable and Hilarious World of DMing with Ali Beardsley

When you DM for Ali Beardsley, you know. You know what’s gonna happen, which is that Ned Stark is being played by Ali Beardsley. Okay? They are going to roll it at 20. The sword is going to shatter on the back of Ned Stark’s neck. Ned perfectly cutting the ropes. Ned Stark is gonna go, hey, girl, really? And then is going to moonwalk off the dais. Ali Beardsley’s gonna roll to have there be a Hot Wheels track. They will hit an at 20, and then they will jump on two Hot Wheels, do the loop to loop and sprint off. And you will sit here going. So now Hot Wheels are Canon in Westros. The executioner’s sword is broken, Ned Stark has escaped, which is the entire thing that I based the second plot arc here for. And you will have to come back. All I’m saying is that you can put parameters to affect the tone of your world. Okay, yeah, yeah. But I think there is a way to do a dark, grounded tone of everything you just said. I think it’s just all in the descriptions. Ferris, what are you doing here? All men are simply Hot Wheels. See? See? There it is. And the track has been laid for them well in advance. Well, shit. You’re right. Well, this has been contested. Wrong.