Unlocking Job Search Success: A Guide to Overcoming Unproductive Discomfort and Achieving Results

If you’ve been looking for a job for over a month, this one’s for you. And it’s going to take a minute for me to explain, so bookmark and come back if you can’t listen. The time I’m recording this, it’s Labor Day weekend. A lot of people don’t want to be thinking about their job search. They want to take a break from it. And I get that. But as you’re pondering that today and you’re taking your break, I want you to think of this one thing. How much time are you going to waste doing your job search incorrectly? How much time are you willing to give up? How much longer are you willing to go where you don’t get any results? And I say that because most job seekers don’t know what they’re doing. They are using outdated techniques that they’ve Learned from somebody who’s not an expert. And so it’s the very definition of insanity. It’s doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different result. We call this unproductive discomfort. Meaning you are uncomfortable, you are miserable, you are not happy in your job search and certainly in your career. But it’s unproductive what you’re doing. So when are you going to put yourself in temporary, because it’s not forever. Productive discomfort? When are you going to finally close your gaps in knowledge, learn the things you didn’t know you needed to know in order to get the results you’re looking for? Because you’re Going to pay for this one way or another. You’re going to pay an ignorance tax and go on and on and on and not see any improvement in your job search. Or you’re going to put yourself in temporary, productive discomfort, close those gaps in knowledge, and start to get the results you’re looking for. That’s what I want you to think about. When is it going to get so painful that you’re willing to finally do something different? And if that day is today, and you’ve made it that far, then I have something for you. TikTok 10. T I K. T O K. 1:00 TikTok 10. You will not find this any place else. It is a discount off of a 7 day free trial to my job search coaching platform. So first of all, totally risk free to you today. Nothing to lose. Free for 7 days. But when you put TikTok 10 in, it’ll take $10 a month off any subscription. And to give you an idea, you can try as free for seven days. The subscriptions normally $29 a month. You can get it for 19 a month. What’s it worth to you? How much longer are you going to sit in unproductive discomfort? Because if you’ve made it this far, you know what I’m talking about and I want to help you. I’ve helped thousands of people get new, better paying jobs, and now I’ve given you zero excuses, a discount and a Seven day free trial to start getting the help that you need. Okay, so let’s do this. I’ll be going live all week inside the community. Sign up today, start coming to my live sessions, and let’s get your job search fixed once and for all. Okay. Good luck. Go get them.