Sacrificing Love: Would You Give Your Girlfriend $10 Million to Prove Your Love?

If you won 10 million U. S. Dollars, will you give your girlfriend the whole of the money so you prove to her how much you love her? You know, love has to do with sacrifice. So will you give her the whole of the money? Yeah, I can give her now. Okay, that’s very good. You can give her. I can give her, yes. Can give her everything to prove or to show how much you love her. Yes. So what’s your name? My name is Muhazu Haruna Nana. Muhazu. Muhazu Haruna Nana Nana. Do you have a nickname? Yes. What’s your nickname? Safwan. Safwan, you are on what level? What department? 400 level. Microbiology department. Okay. Microbiology department. You are from which state? I’m from Abebe states. Yobe. Yes. But I can see you wearing that cap. I thought you are from Kanu. No, no, no. Okay. Just love conquers all. Okay. Love conquers all. Yeah. What’s one interesting thing you can say about this school is Alkala University. Mmm. The school is good. Okay. I love the compound. So what’s one interesting thing about yourself? Humble. And. Okay. You are a humble person. Yeah. Thank you very much. I’ve won for your time. Thank you. Alright.