Unlocking Motivation: Overcoming Stuckness and Finding Clarity

Doctor Kate, what would you say to someone who feels stuck? A lot of times, like when I work with people who are like stuck in life, uh huh. Okay. So they’ll say, like, I’m stuck and I have no motivation. This is incorrect. It’s not that you have no motivation. It’s that you have a very powerful motivation to not move, right? So if you try to move, what happens? A pile of resistance arises within you that has been dormant and it says, don’t go outside. Let it go. Don’t pick the fight. Walk on eggshells. Don’t do anything. That’s powerful motivation. It’s not a lack of motivation. What is the next thing once you realize, oh, wait a minute, I’m not stuck. I’m like in this highly negative motivated place. Awareness precedes control. The problem is that for many of our behaviors, we don’t actually have a good understanding of what the consequences are. We’re confused. This is what stuckness is. It’s a lot of irrelevant movement. So awareness is technically enough.