Five Simple Camera Rules to Help Photographers Improve: From ISO to Autofocus

okay here’s five rules for five camera settings four photographers freak out yes these are simplifications but yes they work too you will always hear me saying that I think you should learn to shoot in manual and you should but these can help you get there first up for your ISO always keep it as low as you possibly can best ISO is ISO 100 modern cameras you can push ISO 2000 generally without having to worry about image quality loss too much for shutter speed to avoid camera shake make sure that your shutter speed is at least double your focal length this lens is a 50 millimeter lens to make sure to avoid camera shake I wanna use a shutter speed of at least 1/100 of a second 100 is double of 50 for your aperture if you’re taking photos of people you can match the number of people to your aperture setting this applies up to 5 people once you have to have 5.6 you have plenty of depth to field for a group of people white balance as long as you’re shooting in raw you can use auto white balance and adjust white balance in post processing auto focus make sure you’re controlling where your camera is focusing if you’re not choosing where it’s focusing it’s gonna focus wherever it can most easily on its own it’s probably not gonna be the right spot if you’re a photographer who wants to make your best work and you wanna make money with a camera but you could use some support getting there I started a community just for photographers like you it’s called inspired and profitable I’m adding 10 members to the community right now if you’re interested in being a part of it fill out the application in my bio and follow me for more