Repairing Cracked Concrete: A Step-by-Step Guide

Clean out the grass. That’s what happens, too. That starts growing through your cracks. Nobody wants that. So you’re just gonna apply the material just like I did. Here. Lay it in. Come over here with your putty knife. You’re gonna go right over the top, right? Level it out. Take your water bottle, and you’re gonna activate it with some water. Just shoot it with some water, right? That. Give it 20, 30 minutes. Come back and hit it with a bunch of water. So the first time, just missed it. Come back 20, 30 minutes later, hit it with a bunch. Really soak it in. That activates all the material. Four to six hours later, guys, it’s hard as can be. You guys can drive over it. It’s nice and level now. My wife’s high heel got stuck right there a couple weeks ago. She twisted her ankle. She’s. I think she’s still mad at me about it, but that’s. That’s the difference, guys. Look at the before and after. It’s wet right now, obviously, but no more nasty cracks. Fill them in. Take care of it. Don’t get sued from your mailman. And then here’s. Here’s a couple other little cracks that I’ve done recently. So you can fill in all this little stuff, right? Here’s another crack right here I did. It’s actually gotten so dirty that you can’t even see it anymore. Um, but, yeah, look at all this little jaggedy stuff. Fills it in. Cleans it up. No more trip hazard. No more water