Creating a Miniature Starry Night Mobile: Crafting Process & Progress

you know what would probably be cuter than a Starry Night mobile a tiny Starry Night mobile luckily my two part cloud mold that I talked about in yesterday’s video is out of the Kiln and it did wonderfully so it’s time to test it out I grabbed some clay pushed it in the bigger half and then put the other half on top squish it together and just like yesterday it worked perfectly so I had to trim it up and then once it is all the way trimmed I start the smoothing process this is again what takes the longest time but like a bunch of the comments were saying it does make the pieces all individual because I’m still kind of hand sculpting them cloud was nice and smooth I just pushed in all of the high fire wire eye pins into it so that way I can hang the stars later cut out a teeny tiny moon and slipped and scored onto the cloud and then course spend some time smoothing it out getting it looking nice and pretty now I also have to make little tiny stars for this and while I would love to make tiny paper stars it’s a little difficult to make tiny paper stars this small so I’m again using a little push mold to create some tiny little stars and here’s where we’re leaving off for day one so I’ll see y’all tomorrow