Championing Positive Masculinity: Celebrating Men Who Stand Out in Family, Community, and Compassion

One of my favourite men that I’ve come across is just a guy who lives down the road from me who every Sunday he goes. He goes to the local park, picks up all the rubbish in the park, never says a fucking word, goes home. He’s got a wife, two kids, goes and sabotages fox hunts. He’s a bad boy. Haha. Does that mean. But I don’t. I would love to see that him put forward as what a beautiful example of a family orientated man, husband and. And, you know, Fox saver. Do I mean like that? No, but. But I’m being dead serious because it’s like. I know it sounds a bit wild. Yeah. But like, for me personally, I really thrive off encouragement and there’s only so much time I can have my own. I can only be critiqued so much before I turn in on myself. And I’m driven by that sense of shame if I’m driven by an idea of what I could be or if my positive attributes are supported. Like, that’s incredible how you’ve done that. Or I want. I want men to understand the love I felt in my relationship, for example, I want them to show. I get frustrated seeing people like Andrew Tate because I’m like, no, because I found such a transcended connection with my partner that I can’t explain in a fucking TikTok. It’s just a feeling I have to experience, you know? And so though I Wanna be putting those messages out there and being positive about it. So it’s not all about what’s wrong with. With them. I don’t wanna know anymore about the negative men in on the space. I don’t wanna hear about them. I wanna hear about the positive men doing dope shit, looking after their kids, taking pride in fatherhood, being present, working on themselves and being strong and vulnerable at the same time.