Maximizing Opportunities: The Importance of Digital Marketing Courses and Building Portfolios in the 3rd Year of Studies

Marketing lecturers come closer, come closer guys. Please tell your students, um, advise or tell them to like during their 3rd year to do some digital marketing courses like, you know, the online courses, even the free stuff er Ja guys, just tell them like Abo, Hubspot, there’s a lot of courses there, good courses. Just advise them guys. You know, I don’t think you’ll lose anything, you know, coz what what what we see here is, is is shocking ha ha and also let’s be realistic. Not everyone will get uh, through like a, a graduate programme, you know, not everyone will have an opportunity to be trained by a company and also tell them to work on their on their portfolios. They can use Canva for free to design their portfolios and also they can just go on Google and check what is required for a portfolio for marketing, you know, so that way you’re just giving them a head start. Okay, bye.