Building a Circle of Friends with a Shared Future

Let’s talk about your circle of friends. Most of you base your friendships off a shared past. Instead you want to be surrounding yourself with people want the same shared future. Sure, I look at our school, I look at our students. Our students are involved in a lifelong community. And the other people they’re surrounded with have a shared future. They all want to succeed, they all want to do really well. And that helps them. Cause going on the journey, if you’re doing it and you’re around other people that want the same shared future, I mean, hey, it’s a rising tide, lifts all ships. You’re all gonna get there together. Versus if you’re just hanging out with people that only share your past and not your future, that road is gonna be real lonely. So don’t get rid of all your friends. You don’t say goodbye to everybody, but start adding people to your circle that wanna go to the same place as you so you can go on the journey together. And don’t forget, follow us for more.