Finding Gratitude and Faith: A Sunday Reflection

I just put up to church and I’m about to go in, but I’m just full this morning. On the goodness of god. There’s a lot of my testimony, especially recently, that I have not shared. You know, a lot of people see, I moved into my new apartment, I have a new job, starting in the career that god has ordained for me. You know, all of the things. And it’s easy to look at someone on social media and see what they have now or not see what’s going on behind the scenes or what they had to go through to get to that point and compare yourself. And although it’s not biblical, everybody often says and refers to comparison is the thief of joy. And it truly is. You don’t know how that person got there. You don’t know if that person’s behind on bills. You don’t know that, you know, they’re getting beat on or whatever the case may be. We encourage that god has you in this season for such a time as this. I was literally sleeping on my parents couch at their house for months. Months. So I now get a bed. Amen. You just. You truly never know. Appreciate what you have now. Appreciate what is coming. Appreciate how far god has brought you. Because you never know what door could open tomorrow from the closed doors. Now, y’all have a good Sunday.