Monty Python and the Holy Grail: A Silly and Iconic Movie Review

first of all ignore this I was laying my head on my desk stupidly while posting my post for the night cause this is this is a draft um cause when I post this I’ll be too busy to post or just too exhausted cause oh my god I have classes and two jobs anyway I’ll stop yapping um ignore that head on desk while posting anyway the movie I’m reviewing is a rewatch it is a very silly movie um the movie I’m talking about is Monty Python and the Holy Grail this movie is about some whimsically insane dudes looking for a grail cause they were sent by god ha ha um King Arthur is the HBIC um I mean there’s Lancelot there’s some really silly dudes running around being silly there’s a weird French guy there’s a lot that there’s a lot the funniest thing happened I recorded an entire section and none of it saved hehe so funny hehe anyway I gave this movie a 7 out of 10 um it’s an iconic movie it’s a total fever dream um it’s the most incoherent movie I’ve seen that’s still good like sorry sorry I went to bed at 5:00am last night and woke up at 10:30 and didn’t get my daily nap so um most incoherent movie I’ve seen that’s still good like the room extremely incoherent but not good this movie incoherent but good like there’s a difference I’m not sure I have much more to say about it but I would recommend this movie to silly little guys if you wanna hear more quick movie reviews like this follow me and follow my letterboxd my username is Lydiahtml thank you for watching