Curly Hair Routine Experiment on Straight Hair: A Comedy of Mistakes and Frustration

trying a curly hair routine on my straight hair there are so many steps I saw a video of a girl doing a curly hair routine and I got FOMO the first step was to have soaking wet hair next she put a lot of mousse she put so much but she also has a double the hair as me so probably too much but let’s just go for it girls with curly hair always smells all these products oh my god okay this is curl cream Nami thinking is like curl cream as in it’s gonna make my hair curly I think it’s to make your hair smooth if it is curly the next step was gel she said to scrunch to like your hands have cramps also I should clarify my hair is straight when I blow dry it but when I dry it like air dry it it’s like a mix of straight and wavy then the next step is my most excited for she sectioned her hair then to the end of her comb her brush it’s like made some curls that’s kind of embarrassing but then she took a paper towel and scrunched it but that would really take all day next she got more gel and went back to scrunching I started to see the vision the next step she said to defuse it I saw her add more gel like halfway through okay I physically can’t do it anymore this was the hardest longest hair routine I’ve ever where’s my part it’s kinda just looking crunchy y’all do not wanna know how long that took