Balanced and Nourishing: A Realistic Day of Eats with Brittani

good morning and welcome to a what eat in a day that won’t make you feel like I’m loving this intro because let’s be honest the what I eat in a days I have seen on this app recently have been triggering AF here has it’s not called yet this morning so I’m just starting off my day with little iced coffee with milk um yeah cheers I love how in tune Brittani is with her body like breakfast of course is important if you like it but you do not need to force it down the seconds that you wake up hunger has called and it’s time for breakfast and I made some scrambled eggs with cottage cheese mixed in it I’m also having two pieces of toast one with jelly on it and one without I’m also having a banana Yay okay this looks like a delicious balanced breakfast and if you have not tried cottage cheese in your scrambled eggs you have to it is like one of my all time favorite protein hacks now I’m heading out on a little walk and I’m having a protein bar as a snack this one is from Simply Protein and it’s like kind of crunchy and crispy which I really like alright so we got like a little mid morning snack here and this bar has 7 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein plus less than 2 grams of sugar and if you remember from my package snack foods video this checks all my boxes so I gotta try this I love it now I’m home for my walk and it’s time to have some lunch I made some toast and put tuna fish on it and then I’m having some cottage cheese and mango love this we got loads of protein some fiber in the carbs healthy fats I’m down we are having salmon bowls tonight and I have seaweed with it and we’re also having a Caesar salad and veggies with Ranch love the viral salmon bowl and I also love that we up the fiber gain with a salad and some veggies on the side finally for dessert I’m having a kind ice cream bar and some chocolate covered strawberries cheers I’m sorry I love Kind Bars and the fact that they have a frozen dessert with 7 grams of fiber love that for you Americans Kind Bar please help a girl out up north but thank you Britney for this realistic day of eats that doesn’t make us feel like to watch next