Last Minute Outfit Dilemma: Tiki Hut Dress Edition

So this is, I think my dress gonna work tonight. It’s kind of all I have, but I didn’t really wear much. But I think it’s cute. Wish it’s a station. Woohoo! And then I’ll wear. I think I don’t wear it like. Sorry, now there’s a. And you know what I like about it? This little bodysuit that comes with it. Okay, this is where I realized that this lightning is so bad. We’re in a Tiki hut and it’s all just natural or it comes from above. Um, so that’s why I switched rooms. In case you’re wondering if there’s just like a random. All of a sudden, I was trying it on in one room and then. Whatever. Um, anyways, let me know what you guys think. I think I have to wear my hair up. Okay. And these are the only shoes I have. I swear to god, there’s I. I have nothing else. I don’t know, but it’s cute. It’s quite big, but. Yay! What do we think?