15 Miles of Sweat: Conquering Humid Runs and Dodging Snakes

happy long run day let’s run 15 miles I’m already sweating can’t wait for fall weather my stomach hurts a little bit but I’ma be strong I almost stepped on the snake cause I thought it was a stick and I wish I could say that was the first time that happened I’m gonna take my gel ugh it’s warm love that gel gonna try to run the next four miles at race pace which is 8:30 for me wish me luck I’m sweating bullets here come the big hills that was a really good push I’m gonna use the last mile as sort of a cool down 15 miles complete in 2 hours and 16 minutes at an average pace of 9:06 yeah these super humid runs are getting very old so can’t wait for that to end and I’m gonna go drown myself in Gatorade