Castlecoming Style: Creating a Pink and Aqua Outfit for Lonnie

Time to make an outfit for Lonnie to wear to castlecoming. So I feel like we need some pinks. Definitely aqua. Okay. I think those shoes, definitely those heels, I could see Lonnie wearing, and I feel like it matches some of the colors that she wears. It’s perfect. Hmm. You know, I’m trying to think of either. Hmm. I feel like either the earrings or the necklace. Let’s do the earrings, though. I feel like those are cute and they’re interesting. Okay, this is difficult. I could see Lonnie wearing that dress, but I feel like Lonnie wears usually more pink, but still, I feel like Lonnie would look good in that. And it’s also, like, the florals, and I feel like Lonnie, like, come on, the florals from, like. Come on, we need to do florals. Okay. And then the necklace, I feel like that works. Maybe we get, like, a pink bag or something. Oh, we’re gonna re roll. I hope we get either a pink sweater or a pink bag. Remove jacket and then reroll. Okay. No, we’re rerolling again, please. Oh. Lonnie does wear hair clips a lot, so I feel like that makes sense. Okay. I do wish we had, like, an little item that was pink or something like that, but I feel like this is a cute fit. Let me know what y’all think.