Air Fried Cottage Pie – Judged Up and Served Hot: A Homemade Roast Rejection Saga

I’m in the middle of cooking a homemade roast. I haven’t cooked a roast for ages and my brother has chose this. This over a homemade roast. I cannot believe it. A pre made cottage pie. I said I’ll put it in the air fryer then, at least to boost it up. And he doesn’t even want that, just wants it microwaved. At least air fry it. No. Should I air fry it? Can you air fry it? Let’s just do it. He doesn’t want cheese on top, he just wants it microwaved and some beans baked on the side. I would never choose that over home cooked roast. Would you? Well, would you? Couldn’t help myself. I whacked it in the air fryer just to make it a bit nicer. And I’mma put a little bit cheese on and back in the air fryer. This is what he’s having. I can at least just. Just it up now. Don’t that look a lot better? It’s just up and it’s nice and crispy as well. Spencer, your dinner’s ready. Ah, hot! When I served him this, his face dropped. I thought, oh no, it’s cause I’ve judged it up. He wants it in a bowl and I’ve got to take it out. Since when did that happen? Yes sir.