Exploring Chapter 6: Boss Locations and Strategies

I’m gonna show you every boss location in Chapter 6. Except the main boss, because, I mean, it’s part of the journey. First is Xiao long of waves. We’re gonna start at foot hills and then verdant path. Alright? From the shrine, we’re just gonna hop on Nimbus and make our way forward. Flying like this will never get old. I swear it will never get old. Okay. Alright, we gonna get up here and we gonna look down and fly right down to this lake. Now, once you get down here, you’re gonna hop off the cloud and put your feet in the water. As soon as you put your feet in the water, the boss will find you. Literally. Next is the water wood beast. He’s a big hippo. For every boss, we’re gonna start in the same spot. Foot hills and verdant path. Alright? What we’re gonna do is face the shrine. We’re gonna hop on Nimbus and just fly straight up. Just fly straight up. That’s all we’re gonna do. And from here, we just gonna start flying forward. Stick with me. Stick with me. Keep flying, flying, flying. Not gonna lie, this whole area needs a map. It’s. It’s. It’s just too big. It’s too big and not enough stuff. Just. Anyway, keep going, keep going, keep going. Look down and to the left. It’s a big lake over here. What you’re gonna do is fly towards it. And in the middle of the lake, It’s gonna be some bubbles. You ain’t gotta do nothing to it. You ain’t gotta interact with it. Just walk up on it, and the hippo will come and get you. Just get your feet in the water. Next is another frog, boss. All right, from the shrine, we just gonna fly this way and make our way out. And once you get past here, what we’re gonna do is fly to the right. While we’re flying over there, we gotta acknowledge that this is a beautiful game. This is a pretty game, man. Oh, my god. Anyway, we was gonna keep flying, flying and flying. Look at the details in the cloud. Anyway. Anyway, we’ll keep flying. We’re going over here. All right, now, once you get here, all you’re gonna do is fly to the middle, hop off the cloud, and put your feet on the ground. The frog will come to you. Next is the sun of stone. All right, from here, we gonna hop back on Nimbus and fly forward. This one’s a lot closer than the rest of them. It’s gonna keep flying. And once we get over here, we’re gonna look slightly to the left, and we’re gonna go over there. You should see a little green guy. He. He’s sitting right on the ledge. Once you get over here, he should be sitting on the edge clapping. You gotta hit him. He innocent. I know, but you gotta hit him. He’s the boss. Next is the poison chief. It’s four of them. From the shrine, we gonna face the opposite way. Hop on nemesis and fly straight up. Just fly straight up. And from here, follow my lead. It’s gonna pretty much fly straight. Just. Just keep up with me. Flying, flying, flying. And right over here in this little area, you get close enough, it should be a big rock. Go hit it for the next one. We gonna face the shrine. Hop on Nimbus and fly straight up. Just plow straight up, follow my lead, and we can go. Fly this way. It’s gonna keep flying, flying. We close, we’re gonna pass this big tree right here, and then look to your left. Down here, you should see a big old rock again. Go hit it for the third one. We’re gonna fly this way. Just keep up with me. This one’s a little far. Once you get past here, we’re gonna fly to the right and keep going this way. Just keep flying, flying. Once you get over here, it should be like this big old crater down here. It’s another rock down there. Go hit it. Since the last chief is so close, I’m gonna start from the location I just took you to. We’re gonna look this way and hop on Nimbus. And we pretty much just gonna fly straight from here. This one’s a little bit more hidden than the rest of them, at least for me. Keep flying, flying, flying. And right down here. What we’re gonna do, we’re gonna fly around this tree, and you should see him. It should be another rock down here just waiting for you. The last one is this giant. Thing about him is you can’t fight him until you do a quest that’s throughout the whole game. I already did a video on it. It’s called how to get the 5 Scanned Appeal. You’re welcome.