Mastering Public Speaking: Tips for Confidence and Clarity on TV and Beyond

another tip that’s helped me tremendously with public speaking especially when I’m working on TV is just to remember to slow down when we slow down it allows us to think about our next sentence and it also increases the chances that the person that you’re talking to is going to understand what you’re talking about if you see me on here on TikTok you likely see me speaking at a faster pace and that’s just because that’s how this platform works but in reality I always try to slow my pace down to take pauses and breaths and to remember that there’s no need to rush to my idea something else my dad always reminds me of is remembering to sit in your voice many times when we’re nervous we not only speak faster but our voices go higher and sometimes I can give off the idea that we’re not confident about what we’re talking about but if we slow down and if we sit in our voice it not only allows you more time to think but it also allows you more time to speak without taking breaks because you’re using your diaphragm instead of speaking up high in your chest now if you’re curious about what technique I use to practice remembering everything I need to say on television I can tell you about that too it’s not as interesting but let me know if you’re interested