Embracing Empowerment: The Truth About Timelines in Dating

Yeah, fuck you bitch! Hahaha get into it mama! Who needs to stand up? Oh also, I’ve been saying this for fucking years, but there is no fucking timeline on dating. My man knew he was gonna marry me within the first month of dating me, but neither of us wanted to get married until we were ready. But even past that, thinking that a ring is gonna 1. Make a man commit to you and 2. Make a relationship worth having is not only ignorant, but misogynistic. So again I ask, which one of us needs to stand the fuck up? Bitch! Yeah! Eat it, you feel me? That hits so much harder now, doesn’t it? Haha and another little fun fact for y’all. He got me this band for my birthday last year and told me it would be for my wedding stack. I know that’s fucking right. I know that’s fucking right, bitch! And before anyone asks, did I pick it out? Did I pay for it? Did I have any hand in it whatsoever? No, no and no. He did this shit all on his own. And every man who hates me and eat my dick about it, bitch! Haha that’s it! Love you. Bye!